Top 5 Unknowns 5 Most SCARY Disappearances From 2018 That We Missed... - wheel of fortune online game

Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 3, 2019

Top 5 Unknowns 5 Most SCARY Disappearances From 2018 That We Missed...

  1. Vesa Roivainen: great video ! exept that the music is a bit loud at some points compared to narration (no offense)
  2. James S.: There's some really weird noises that are overpowering the speech. Can't hear what's being said. The noise might be music. Disliked for that reason.
  3. You Tube: Can’t hear what the woman in the first video is saying because of the background music....waaaay too loud
  4. J B: Lauren Christie I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s truly awful. 😢😞
  5. Ace Azrael: I know i'm 2 damned lit.I thought it said 5 Mosy scariest dispensaries of 2018.I was like wtf happend? It's all reggie and seedy dirt weed.That would be scary to anyone😂
  6. 80's Lady: *I second the guy's comment below. "Tone it down boss." We're talking to you Tye. The background music is WAY to loud. I can't hear myself think.*
  7. Kendra Masonchuck: You need to either turn your clips up, or turn your background music down
  8. bretta heinitz: Lord I pray the families of these victims get the answers they so desperately need and deserve!
  9. Scottish O'Hare: For the #5 slot: I'm a colorado native, and have been watching that almost from the start... Freaking tragic.. I FIRMLY believe that the fiancé knows more than he puts out. He's the last person she's had contact with. She goes missing after meeting with him.. Authorities should put more focus on him.
  10. Overcazt: Thank God Ty is back. No offense to the other guy but Ty's narration is what makes this such a great channel.
  11. Lorilei M: music is louder than videos
  12. Maggie's Journey: The music is too loud. 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
  13. Tube Nation: Nothing like bone chilling videos. Nice Vid, We were thinking about making a video like this but events from the 90s
  14. DD Bears: #1 Jacob Hilkin missing from Washington state . Jan -23-18 . Age 24. Back story in reply blow.
  15. Bob Cobb: Colorado is crazy
  16. Linda Lovehate: SO SAD....
  18. nalamo1000: Ty Knotts is back. My ears were bleeding
  19. H P: Am I the only 1 that noticed the background music is overwhelming???
  20. At R: The music is super annoying
  21. Hans The'Poet: How do they know the guys body was in a dog Craig if they can’t find the body?!
  22. Y2KxSurvivor: music is 1 million times too loud
  23. Charles Kern: Good video and info awful music, narration is good but all the talking is overpowered by the music, music is fine otherwise just to loud
  24. Lliam Clifton: Number 1 ty notts last week with that awful narrator in his place
  25. Lauren Christie: My boyfriend was missing for a week before he was found dead. Couldn’t even have a wake for him. When he was missing, I just felt something was wrong very early on. He was down in Florida.. supposed to head back to New Jersey on Aug 31, 2016. I was the last to speak to him on the 26th. Not knowing what’s going on is absolutely the most painful part. So many unanswered questions when he was found deceased.
  26. Vilusious X6ixTi9ineX: Finally! Ty is back !:D about time..
  27. Viktor Kalashnikov: PLZ turn down background music volume a tad bit 8-)
  28. itsmackenzie: This video is unwatchable, the "background" music is too loud and you can't hear anything else.
  29. Roy Carson: In #4 how do you know he was beaten to death and placed in a dog cage if they’ve never found his body?
  30. Ashley Mines: Music is really loud. Could barely hear anything behind it.
  31. lucy girl: Yaayyyy!!!! Ty Knotts is back, baby! woo-hooo...
  32. Ruthie K: Good video, but dude, PLEASE fix the sound! Your voice and the wawawawa music you added is SOOOOO loud. You can't hear the news report clips in some of these.
  33. Holl Harb: That background noise is horrible ! Messes everything up
  34. Charles Acosta: audio fail.
  35. Peri Stalers: Had to switch videos music was way too loud. Please fix it and reupload
  36. Dane Dockery: glade your back man love your voice goes really well with these videos the other guys voice does not but i still like like him for the top 5s
  37. Hannah O'Reilly: Thank you for the video and narration!
  38. Melanie Park: Yay! Glad you are back!
  39. Sixxiom: LOUD NOISES !
  40. Kendra Masonchuck: +Rishirishi Roopnarine You clearly need your IQ up and your spelling better.
  41. Gone Mad in My Wonderland: Dude, the background music is waaaay too loud. I couldn't even finish the video due to it.
  42. Chrome Girl: Loved the video, but the background music is too loud, and makes it hard to hear the commentary. Thank you.
  43. Maggie's Journey: Really missed you but the music is almost as annoying as that guy yelling at us while you were gone.
  44. Carel Kruger: just me or is this background audio like LOUD AF
  45. Navraj Gill: Music too loud!
  46. HeadHoonter: huh\
  47. crazieanimefan1: YAY! Ty's back! Thank goodness!
  48. yeahriight57: I think this channel needs to step back & read what the viewers are saying: #1 the owner of the channel practically verbally assaulted us with his narration #2 Now we are not being yelled at.... problem we can hardly hear because that music is loud.
  49. NiBy: wow, i remember the days when ty first came and everyone hated, by the look of it they all left and all these new subs never knew of james
  50. DeeVonTeese: Good god Ty is back!!! 😀 Everyone complained about the last narrator for being too loud, and now they complain about the music. Lol can't please everyone😂😊
  51. 7Kingsmen: Ty Knots is back!!!
  52. Camila Lagos: Dude, the background music is waaay too loud. And the quality of your mic is suddenly super bad.. Could've been a good video but this was just too low quality to be able to watch the whole thing through..
  53. Albany425: You're background music drowns out everything
  54. Rj: Welcome back Ty Notts
  55. Sophie: Always try and fight against your kidnappers folks. Always. I was on holiday when I was 18 and some guy came up to me and was asking me out for a drink. I thought not much of it until he came back a few moments later in a car full of his friends. I ran like Hell and he thankfully stopped chasing me when I got into one of the hotels.
  56. MakinaDeMuerte: How do you fit a dude who is 6'2 into a dog crate? With rigor mortis and all that? sounds weird.
  57. RelativelyLarge Steve: HOLY CRAP THAT MUSIC IS SOOO LOUD
  58. sammybishface winchester: Ty 💖
  59. Wesker0o0o0: Ty fucking Knotts!
  60. The Journey: Ty’s back!!!!! Yes! We missed you!
  61. Jessica Espinoza: What's up with all the mom's disappearing in Colorado? The two in this video.. and the Watts case. Why would you want on hurt a mother? Or kids? Sick.
  62. J B: Okay.... Seriously, I love the content of your stuff, but this music is WAY TOO LOUD to even hear the interviews!!! Jesus H! 😑 (Thank God for closed captioning!)
  63. donna no need: Tye? Turn the back ground music down, please!
  64. Rae-Ann Gammon: turn the music down
  65. gemini eightysix: Welcome back Ty!!!
  66. Planner Addict: YAY!!! Ty Notts is back!!!! 😁
  67. Beverly Stewart: So sad
  68. J B: Kelsie Haptonstall Uhh, yeah it’s “always been there”, but NEVER 5 BILLION DECIBELS!!! My ears are damn near bleeding. 😖
  69. Dan Osborne: Turn dwn the background music Homie!!
  70. Mel Yatsko: WHY is all of this crazy music playing over everything?!
  71. Benjamin Dover: Fayetteville can't be large enough to not say North Carolina beside it and everyone know where it is? I was thinking Fayetteville where??? I guess u all know. Lol
  72. Su5ie H: Background music is way too loud.. please don't do that, it's quite irritating!
  73. GLING: Hurray! Tye is back! Who in the heck was the guy who’s been doing all of the yelling in the past few videos?! Yikes! 😳
  74. colmonhs: weak episode
  75. segagenesis1989: Turn that freaking background music off. I hardly could hear what was being said in the video. Judging from other comments, alot of users agree.
  76. Jessjess Gosling: Yeh your back
  77. NiBy: have i been ghost banned?
  78. jesus saves cars s: The one in Grafton the girl on the news killed her well helped u can tell look at her body language she knows we're she is I'd bet everything I have on it
  79. Rishirishi Roopnarine: Hannah O'Reilly some. porn video
  80. Chuck Dixon: I would be insane if my kids went missing. I've warned them over and over about strangers and even people they know or think they know! You can't really trust anyone anymore! I hope these families find closure. I feel so bad for the one mom who just wants her son back, she's basically accepted he's deceased, that man is charged with the murder of him. He should just tell them where his remains are at. .. Thanks TY! Great Video!
  81. samuel bailey: Thank you, the British guy who yells the entire video is unsettling in an unentertaining way
  82. MsBTmom: The first story #5 has more holes than Swiss cheese.
  83. D R2: the music is so loud so as to not detect copyright infringement or alert spiders that he's using production companies show clips without clearance... thats why. don't be lazy.. just do yoru own report
  84. Ben Reds MMA: Welcome my name it's TIE KNOTS WAIT... WHAAAAT ???
  85. Bjorn Keller: Nice to hear your voice again Ty.
  86. Moon Flower: Was your parents trying to screw u over with the name tie knots
  87. Nails AndNY: Love these videos but the audio is all messed up on this one?
  88. Lauren Carbone: I feel so bad for everyone who went missing. But for the last case, they might have the suspect of interest held, and on a bond, but did anyone know her car license plate? What about credit cards? Does the bank have any records given to where her last money exchange was held? Or where her Snapchat location is..? People need to try and go through that. I understand it is a hard process, but it should be worth it. I just want to help. Just some thoughts. :/ My dad has a location tracker on his android phone and he can see where I am. If parents are reading this, I would get the app so I can track my child’s phone. You could see where they are, ex: location or building. You have to use your Apple ID email and password to get their phone tracked. ***Sometimes location is not right or not in the place where they are, but that’s just how technology is.*** It’s just what I recommend.
  89. Rishirishi Roopnarine: Kendra Masonchuck your ley up and. y dick in .......
  90. Barry Roberts: Welcome back Ty Notts a proper video at last, with no shouting. As for the video, our thoughts are with those families concerned.
  91. naughtylil57angel: Thank you for bringing back #TyKnotts !!!
  92. Rishirishi Roopnarine: chena wise SEND him to. me. i get it out off him🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭
  93. bionicman696 leftysradesease: Straight up these people are mixed up with body disposers who are very good at their chosen trade. I worked in Detroit for over 20 years doing insurance repair and unfortunately i've seen some shit, i'm just saying you get mixed up with this side of life shit happens.
  94. BUU KOKKI: Everybody complaining about the background music being "too loud" use goddamn earphones.
  95. Bridget jobridge31: I was interested in watching this video and as I'm watching it all I can think about is how annoying the music you have going on in the background is. Not only annoying but I can't hear a lot of things cause the music is so loud and distracting. Why did you put that there and not take out the music? Its very irritating.
  96. Annastasia Larsen: It almost impossible to hear the news commentary over the loud af music.
  97. Hems Villarreal: There he is!!! (Ty knotts)
  98. Journeystomake Alkebulan: You say missing in Fayeteville in number 4 yet you don't even explain to others what state!! Everyone isn't going to know Fayeteville, North Carolina!
  99. You Tube: Matter of fact, I can’t hear what anyone is sayin because your damn background music is so loud
  100. Razzi Rhi: It's nice to have you back Ty! I will only watch the videos you narrarate because I can't stand james's voice.
  101. No One: Shit, I live in fayetteville and I go to izzy's bar sometimes. How have I not heard about that case...
  102. Cohen James: Keep uploading or (edit)we’ll ) forget about you in this information overload era
  103. Bobby Hernandez: how is this scary
  104. Svinja: Praise sweet baby jebus this man is back.. I don’t miss Drill Sergeant dude
  105. Sonicandsheeps: Thank God Ty is back. No more head aches from the shouting lunatic
  106. Journeystomake Alkebulan: Your music is way too loud!
  107. Anime CongregationClub: Scary
  108. Ranjit Suryavanshi: reduce the back ground can't hear anything
  109. dark raven: Could you please tone down or better yet just turn off the music when highlights of your top 5 are being played?
  110. Nikita Marie malu: 💕 ty thankyou my nights are complete again
  111. just_a_potato 1: turn that damn music down
  112. Super Hans: Quit adding in unnecessary news clips to bump up the time. It's annoying and lazy.
  113. Christy Blackson: Why is the background music so freaking loud?!?!
  114. Derek Pyles: I love you Ty!!
  115. Rashad Jackson: Number five husband has been arrested. Do your fucking homework you degenerate
  116. Bubba: You guys need to kill the effing music that you add to these videos! It's unrelenting annoying and distracts from the video.
  117. ConnorLetsPlay: Yaaaaayyyyyy!!!! No more yelling!!!!!!
  118. Ditch Bank Bandits: Tf is going on in Colorado?
  119. DD Bears: His story is on YouTube aswell. Do I believe that he is alive no I believe that there is something darker going on here just because of the circumstances. But I have to keep that option open. For his mother sake...Getting help is like pulling teeth. The cops do not feel that the bank and his disappearance are linked. I personally do. Your son goes missing and someone is trying to get all your money and put it into his account? Very strange but I guess there’s many theories when people go missing sending positive energy to whoever is having to deal with missing a loved one and not having the answers
  120. Kim Sebring: Patrick where is Kelsey! And when will your pig of a girlfriend be arrested!!?
  121. Derek B: im still annoyed with the narrator of the last video
  122. Nicole Varnam: Luv All Ur Videos! Never disappointed!! Thanks!
  123. MysticMavi: Loved the video but the background music was so loud that I couldn't hear properly what people said. Please keep it a little low for the next time👐
  124. Mr. Aragon: Click this if your dad went to the gas station for 15 years. 👇
  125. Jai Laverty: Welcome back Ty. We missed you buddy. Where you been? How's your mom an'dem?
  126. Faye Cookson: I still love to ty knotts❤
  127. Margaret Ramirez: *Yay your Back* ✌
  128. martin roberts: It seems strange these stories are on tv news only 3 days after someone goes missing whereas in U.K. It would probably be a lot lomger
  129. Savanna Nash: New mystery on twitter, if you like the content help support it with a like, everything posted is real not fiction
  130. fnafguy fnaffan: One of these wasn't too far away
  131. bret alleman: no offense ty so glad ure back love urevoice
  132. Sheila Patino: Great content, as usual! But please turn the music down a bit. It takes away from the stories.
  133. cath8829: I love your videos but I had to turn this one off because the music is far to loud and tbh you don’t need it.
  134. sheri wilson: police searching for the missing body?????lol!!!
  135. Seth Oakes: Holy shit this channel has gone downhill fast
  136. lucy girl: re: the guy in the barbershop is definitely having "words" with the guy in the chair. Just look at their body language PLUS the way every other patron is watching their conversation.
  137. Shanna Green: I enjoy your videos BUT you need to lower or just not have the background music. Even though your voice is clear and a good volume the voices of the people in the video are not loud enough the background music drowns them out. Thanks
  138. Misty Stafford: God give that mother her son back to properly bury him and have peace. God be with all these victims and they're families!! Thank you in Jesus name!
  139. Dawn: Cant hear nothing over that loud music
  140. J B: Kendra Masonchuck LOL 🤣😭 He just made himself look like a damn fool, didn’t he??? 😂
  141. manuel V: Hes back ladies and gentlemen
  142. Mark Y: Lower the background music guys
  143. none ya biz: What's it mean that we missed this first case has been everywhere
  144. ThatGirl Monica: Absolutely heartbreaking!!! I VERY recently lost my brother to a sudden and unexpected death (aneurysm... He was 39)... And that kind of shocking loss is really hard to comprehend... For all of these people who have loved ones missing... I can't begin to imagine the trauma and horrific nature of a sudden disappearance... My prayers to all of the families on this list... I honestly mean that... I hope they find answers to thier questions and that they get justice for thier loved one... 💜💕💛
  145. Arpeggio: Last guy was speaking with caps lock on
  146. Mr. Brunette: I'm still planning my disappearance. It won't happen til I'm 49 yo.
  147. D R2: why is the music drowning out your strung together clips of other news broadcasts?
  148. José Velez: My ears! they're at ease now.
  149. Derek Pyles: You'd better not leave us again Ty!
  150. Joe Panici: You should turn up the background music so we can’t hear the voices at all... 👎🏼👎🏼🤘🏼
  151. Alicia Fruen: At least list the news & case on the description... Jerk
  152. Megan Puryear: #2 is my friend's family member ☹️ #bringmikeyhome
  153. Elaine Snow: If your loved one is murdered, you never really get closure....
  154. Nails AndNY: I love his voice! It’s so soothing. If he wasn’t telling such scary stories he would be awesome at helping you get to sleep!
  155. Jane Ferraz: All citizens need to sign a petition demanding for capital punishment to be brought back. Enough is enough. They are liberally getting away with murder. 😠😡
  156. Kelsie Haptonstall: God, you guys are such whiny babies about the music. The music has ALWAYS been there. Lol I can hear him just fine. Too loud is the crazy British man!
  157. chena wise: Bond him out and beat it out of him! Sorry, he's pure evil... Anyone can see that! Once he provides the correct info, and it's proven, again, sorry... Let him walk a certain way and then when he thinks he's free... Blow hi brains out!!! This is not, this is John, a friend of hers.
  158. DD Bears: Went out with two friends to the casino didn’t wanna wait around For the driver to get out of the casino.didn’t have bus fairnever took bus . Last scene with a homeless couple who offered him a cigarette and it goes cold from there. His friends are not cooperating with police one has moved to Hawaii the homeless couple aren’t talking either know that that one female did in the beginning saying that they ran into him and told his mother over the phone a week later your sons OK you shouldn’t worry. Three days after his disappearance somebody with a low distinct voice wasTrying to transfer money from his mothers account into her sons account. Her son does not have a low old man raspy distinct voice. We are reaching the year mark with no new leads she can’t even get a subpoena for the phone that she was paying for it was turned on once or the information on who called the bank. But I think that might be the link here follow his story bring awareness if you can thank you
  159. wasabi622: Ty Notts is back!! I was going to bite the bullet and unsubscribe if it was the shouting breathless brit again lol
  160. Joe Terrance universe: Whoever narrated the last few videos was not fit at all and sounded like they hadn't been doing this that long glad tye knotts is back
  161. Gary Long: Normally I enjoy your videos and they are usually of very good production value, but this one was quite the exception. Due to the high level of background music/sound fx, I couldn't even hear the people talking in the first segment. This resulted in me clicking away.
  162. MTW: Liked because Ty is back.
  163. Sir Dickens the third: This backround music make my head hurt
  164. Malina 123: I have the deepest respect for the family of the missing people. But using pictures with Snapchat filters on to trace them is useless. I’m sure the don’t grow bunny ears or teddy noses while missing. The most realistic pictures, not even the one where they look their best , are the most useful ones. These people need to be found 😔
  165. Darrin Chipps T.V.TM: Yay Ty is back.
  166. I see Dumb People: I guess you could say...he's the number Juan suspect...
  167. Benjamin Dover: It was filmed
  168. edwardgranata1971: Good video, but if you could tone down the back round music, so I could actually hear what the people are saying, that would be great.. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  169. ThatGuyEdits: Mama, just killed a man
  170. SanjarSaMeseca: Dude, please turn your added sound effect down when you're showing us report footage or when you are talking! Please, its quite distracting. Thank you! :)
  171. Craig Wilson: Can't hear anyone because of that background music !
  172. Robin Lappegard: The background music is way too loud, and makes it unable to hear any dialogue clearly.
  173. Kyla Runyan: YAY TY KNOTTS IS BACK
  174. Caitlin Rivera: You’re back!!!
  175. Diane Geary: Thanks
  176. Darren PM: Stop the annoying music. Video was unwatchable
  177. aries queen: thank god ty is back! I can actually watch the videos again 😊
  178. Shannon Ford: yay! your back! You were so MISSED!
  179. Julia W.: The music is too loud, I cannot here the people in the background.
  180. Jo Bloggs: He is back!
  181. Pamela Spitzer: It's scary that I've only heard of one of these cases. I knew the fiancé had something to do with her 'disappearance'. Who doesn't report their fiancé missing for 3 days? These men killing their girlfriends/fiancé's/spouses, is so commonplace now, it's sickening. If you're unhappy, just leave. No need to kill the wife and kids.. . 😩
  182. Fluffy The Boneless: We get rid of Mr. Shouty Man and now the music's way too loud! I don't know whether to laugh or cry? :(
  183. VishousTrish: The background music is WAY too loud!
  184. Krista Jones: The girl gone missing in Colorado was killed by the husband!
  185. Haunted Grams: Love your channel, but can you please turn down the background music. It's hard to focus on what's being said, especially when videos are being shown. But when you talk, it's not so bad. Just sayin. Again, I love your channel
  186. sue SCHANDL: you didn't include the biggest case with the Watts out of Fredrick Co but you included Kelsey's
  187. Zero_BS_Tolerance: Music is way too loud, dude.
  188. TeknoViking Plays: Number 1 Deji's subscribers, thank me later
  189. Born Again Farm Girl: I’m so sad for the families missing their loved ones 🥺 ..
  190. Natalie Mosher: YAY!! Ty Knotts is back!!
  191. Don Brownlow: So glad to hear you again Ty Notts, I enjoy your videos. The background music is a little loud, but you've been gone for a bit too. Where did you go? The other guy didn't yell at you when you came back did he? That may explain why music was up. (I bet he has to wear earplugs while shouting!?) #5 is from the area we're we are living. So tragic the mother inlaw to be is in on it too!
  192. Joey Gallegos: Maybe just me but can’t hear over the music
  193. Earnest: What happened to the yelling?
  194. J Kennaw: Glad you're back, but audio is all wonky! You might wanna check your inputs because your vocals are distorted. Backing track is a little loud too.
  195. Vikki Sixx: TY NOTTS
  196. YaBeautifulitstrue: Omg that's horrible
  197. Cloud Of Loud: wonder if this episode will actually be what the title says
  198. multiyapples: I hope these missing people are okay.
  199. BUU KOKKI: Yes! Your back!
  200. MindGem: your background ambience is too loud, can't hear what they're saying. in Most videos it's too loud, please lower it in the future.
  201. Rishirishi Roopnarine: Kimmie Bean you not worth it. my dick
  202. Maggie's Journey: There's Tye Knotts. I missed you.
  203. Josh davey: He’s back lol my ears will not bleed this time
  204. Jennifer Atchison: Great content, but tone down that background music. Its supposed to be in the background, not so loud it is difficult to hear the dialogue.
  205. Mattlock: How they not find a body but know for fact that they put homie in a dog cage? Makes no sense
  206. Kimmie Bean: I can’t even watch this bc the music is too loud. It’s not worth it
  207. Scooter Bully: *sigh of relief* was half expecting *obnoxious yelling British southerner accent* "HELLO TODAY WE ARE LOOKING AT THE TOP FIVE MOST ANNOYING VOICES"
  208. Damarys Dingui: Yay.. Ty Notts is back..🤗 Nothing wrong with the other narrator James.. But I prefer your voice better.. Thanks for another awesome content..💖
  209. Heidi Aune: They background music is way to loud!
  210. ShoalBear: YAY Ty is back!
  211. Gяey TM: TY IS BACK
  212. Amanda Evans: Your back! Happy dance time.
  213. L.A. Stewart: Overcazt Yes!!! I like most of these videos but part of me only watches because I like his voice. There are some videos and YouTube channels I don't care to watch because I don't like the voice of the narrator.
  214. Kevin James: Really good video; but I found that the background music was louder than the people being interviewed, so I couldnt really hear them that well :/
  215. Squall Loire: Some serious issues with the volume levelling on this vid. The music drowns most of the clips out, though the narrator can be heard clearly.
  216. AbsoluteMrGamer: Ur background horror theme was higher volume than anythong else fucktard uploader
  217. Danielle Baker: Background music is far too loud
  218. Sabrina: Great video 💘
  219. CherryCherry Five: My only critique is that the background music is a little too loud. I much prefer Ty's narration! Thank you. Thanks Ty!
  220. Rj Chavers: Will you please include phone numbers or websites to contact if anyone has information about any of the case's you present? I think it's awesome when a channel respectfully cover's unsolved murders or missing persons like you do.
  221. J B: Y2KxSurvivor Indeed. 5 billion decibels to ruin our hearing. 😑🙄😩👂🏼
  222. Jeremy Savran: The music was a little much in this video...
  223. ShoalBear: Anyone else having problems with the background music overwhelming everything? I can barely hear the rest...
  224. Devant Smith: The music is super loud but makes my ears feel good
  225. Larren Morris: The guy at the barbershop looked like he pulled out a gun at the end if you look closely.
  226. Priscilla craven: Can’t hear anything Bc of the annoying music.
  227. Moon Shine: It'd be nice if you could hear the videos over the same tired theme music.
  228. Jack Bjork: TY KNOTTS WE MISSED YOU
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5 Most SCARY Disappearances From 2018 That We Missed...

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Entertainment Upload TimePublished on 14 Jan 2019

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